Monday 25 February 2008

The Devil

He is after me! I swear the devil is after me!

Friday morning, I had what is called sleep paralysis. That feeling that someone is pressing you down. You try to raise yourself but you can't. Only difference is that this time round, I saw a figure sitting on me. It was damn scary!Shit! I consulted my friends who have at one time experienced sleep paralysis, none of them has ever seen a figure sitting on them! I couldn't see the figures face coz I was lying on my side. Perhaps it was for my own good I didn't see its face, because I don't know what I would have done if I had stared into the devil's face!

Monday morning, I wake up to strange noises, Diablo's siren like alarm, coupled with the meowing of like a thousand cats (the freaky kind of meow- you know, the kind that sounds like it's a child crying)! I am totaly freaked out. In my head, as I slept, there were images of dead people, demons and all those other freaky stuff!

To add on, of late, everytime I go to bed and close my eyes, I see images of tortured souls and other marshed up images.

I swear the devil is after me. Where do I run, what do I do? Heeeeeeellllp!

PS: My tortures aside, Diablo is in 'love'. I put it in quotes deliberately because he is actually at the infatuation stage. He is all giggly, all smiley face, damn mentions her name like a hundred times a day (and each mention is accompanied by a swoon and dreamy eyes). I am happy for him. But I am even happier to realize that the a-hole who has been calling me a bitch and trash-talking about me being all marshy inside is just the same as me if not softer!!!hahahahahaha! And guys called Freud a fraud when he talked about projection!!!Ha!

PPS:I need to quit drinking. I got lost on Friday night after a heavy drinking binge. Got a lift in some guys car up to a point where I could successfully get home. I am touched that even with the world having gone to the dogs, there are still some good people left in the world, coz I truly don't know many people who would offer a lift to a drunk stranger! But I think that was a sign that its about time i quit doing such heavy drinking. He could have been a psycho who picks up drunk men, rapes them and then torturously dismembers them!!
But then again, maybe it is a sign that drinking is ok coz the guy was high and he actually confessed that he only gave me a lift coz he was high!!

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