Thursday 14 February 2008


i. Lithium: third element of the periodic table. A silvery soft alkali metal.
ii. Lithium: lithium salts are used in the treatment of mental disorders such as bipolar disorder.
iii. Lithium: heavenly track by Nirvana, off the album Nevermind.

Was meant to blog this morning, but what the the hey!!

Been working on my patent dream. Fossil lubricant alternatives......last sample i worked on survived 3hrs in the oven at 120C before denaturing. Totally cool. Best i've ever gotten was 90Cfor 1.5hrs. Used a lithium base this time round.....used it before, but somehow this time was different. Anywhoo, had run out of the stuff. Shipment came in jana.....badly denting my pocket (private project....the company don't really care for my extra curricular activities). Might have to back off for sometime to get reserves to do medium batch production...real excited.

That's it for the day.

p.s. :got me a casual date leo. so cool.

p.p.s. : Hypocrisy is Kenyan Church Leaders making the following statement "Church leaders have displayed partisan values in situations that called for national interest. The church has remained disunited and its voice swallowed in the cacophony of vested interests". The following up that statement with "the crisis has evposed weaknesses in the national leadership", and then going further to that they indicted the last Parliament for unsatisfactory performance and its "collective selfishness and greed". Oh Jesus, who will lead us to u?? coz it aint these pricks!!


Calvin said...

there is no such thing as a casual date on v-day bwana! now spill!

daddy diablo said...

Yes there is s!
Just did pizza n a chat, but i'm still writing up the story of what's going on with the lady in question.
U my 1st commenter (aside from the other prick who posts here). Cool!!